It's Never too Late

Minimalism concept


Just a few things we repeat to ourselves in order to convince ourselves that we are a lost cause, our situation is beyond repair. I don’t subscribe to the idea that the root cause of this affliction is weakness. To me, its quite the opposite. We do this, not because we are too weak, but rather because we fear how truly strong we can be. We all fear loss, but there are those of us that also dread success. What happens if you actually win? What then..

Unfortunately, life is defined by success. If you win, you’re a winner and if you lose you are a loser; simple as that. This puts us all in a competitive box, in which we are in constant battle with everything and everyone around us. We must win at all costs, as the price of losing is social isolation and despair. It’s not even about being number first, it’s about NOT being last. As society rewards those that win the most, those that win small or don’t win at all are ejected into psychological purgatory.

A dark place where we spend our time questioning our very worth as human beings based on the accolades we have collected throughout our lifetime. Many wins combined with a young age spells happy, loved and fulfilled. Older age groups combined with small wins are doomed to be society’s clown. It’s a tough spot to be in.

As time goes by, absent of victory, past losses cut deeper and deeper. The more you sit idly by reliving your past failures, the more those failures will ultimately define you. Yes you lost, yes you failed; so what? Every single person on this planet, in the history of our species has failed, aggressively and repeatedly.

Failure isn’t the problem, you are. If you haven’t realized that yet, you are still attempting to convince yourself that there is any other way out of this hellhole other than getting off your ass and getting shit done. You can either get smart quick and recognize the problem, the cause (you) and the solution (get shit done); or you can waste a few decades and eventually arrive at this same realization. Choice is yours.

As time goes by, absent of victory, past losses cut deeper and deeper. The more you sit idly by reliving your past failures, the more those failures will ultimately define you. Yes you lost, yes you failed; so what? Every single person on this planet, in the history of our species has failed, aggressively and repeatedly. Failure isn’t the problem, you are.

If you haven’t realized that yet, you are still attempting to convince yourself that there is any other way out of this hellhole other than getting off your ass and getting shit done. You can either get smart quick and recognize the problem, the cause (you) and the solution (get shit done); or you can waste a few decades and eventually arrive at this same realization. Choice is yours.

You most likely have absolutely no idea what the “best version” of you even is. You have never broken through the glass floor (yes, floor; not ceiling, floor) to even begin to discover what you are truly capable of. You have spent your life meandering, fearful of rising to the occasion, or becoming who you were goddamn meant to be. Whether you choose to act or not, that HYPER version of yourself exists, it’s programmed into your mind, into your genes, it IS a part of you. It’s there whenever you choose to let it out.

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