5 Ways Tony Stark could've Cheated Death

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The death of Tony Stark on the big screen blindsided most of us.

It was a theatrical loss of epic proportions, as we lost one of the most beloved Marvel Avengers in the most glorious way possible. Although a pretty great ending to an amazing franchise, it still begs the question; could Tony Start have lived to fight another day? Let's break it down quick and clean. Here are the 5 things that Tony Stark could have done differently to cheat death:

1. Delegating the Snap

Tony could have let someone else, like Hulk or Captain Marvel, use the Infinity Gauntlet, as they might have better withstood the energy surge. Most of the Avengers were much better suited to take on this beheamoth of a challenge.

2. Improved Armor

By anticipating such an event and designing a suit with enhanced energy absorption or a failsafe to redirect the Infinity Stones' power could have protected him.

3. Time Travel Contingency

He could have planned a way to reverse his own death using time travel, like retrieving a past version of himself. By acting strategically, Tony could have had a "backup" self ready to go in case of his untimely demise. This seems like a "3 moves ahead of everone else" plan only Tony could devise.

4. Medical Backup

Having advanced nanotech or a medical team (e.g., Dr. Strange) ready to heal him post-Snap might have done the trick. At the very least some kind of superhero medical kit, given that they knew they were literally going to war.

5. Avoiding the Battle

Staying out of the final fight entirely and guiding the team remotely could have kept him safe. Although its unlike the Stark Man to skip out on a big fight, by maintaining a remote approach, Tony could have commanded hundreds of separate Iron Man Suits, increasing his overall positive impact on any given scenario.

There is clearly a few things Tony Stark could have done to avoid his premature death, that's a given. However, much like the popular saying states; 'hindsight is 20/20". Meaning that there are always alternate possibilites for any given event, supernatural or otherwise. Despite countless potential outcomes, what happens just kind of happens and no amount of planning can ever beat the unpredictable nature that is the universe. So long Tony, rest in peace.

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